
This document (hereinafter also the "Privacy Policy") is valid as information and illustrates, with particular reference to the principle of transparency pursuant to Article 13 of EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter indicated, for convenience as "GDPR"), what data is processed by the Data Controller and how it
manages them.Pursuant to Article 5 of the GDPR, the processing of personal data is based on general compliance with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, purpose and storage limitation, minimization of the same, accuracy, integrity, confidentiality and accountability, according to the canons of privacy by default and by design.n particular, the regulation of the matter in question is contained, among other legal provisions, in Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 and sub sequent amendments, in Legislative Decree no. 101/2018 and in the aforementioned GDPR.

For the purposes of this text, "website" means, including each page, section and subsection there of.  The User is to be understood as the person who comes into contact with the website, uses the services, communicates or even just accesses and/or views one or more pages of the aforementioned website. For further definitions, such as personal data or others, please refer to what
is in the text of the aforementioned GDPR.

We kindly ask you to read this Privacy Policy carefully and carefully, which applies in any case you access this website and/or browse it and/or use its services, whatever the data processed. Therefore, by accessing the website, you give your consent to the Privacy Policy described herein. For any further request for information regarding the processing of data, you can contact the Data Controller at the email indicated in point 1 of this Privacy Policy.


The Data Controller, pursuant to art. 4 and 24 GDPR, is PLANTVOICE SRLSB, with registered office in Bolzano (BZ), 39100 Alessandro Volta 13/A, P.IVAe C.F. IT03225710213. Email address: For the personal details of the Data Controller, it is possible to senda written request to the aforementioned e-mail address.


a. Browsing data: This is the set of data whose transmission is implicit in the use ofInternet communication protocols. They are acquired, in the absence of any human activity, independently by the computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website. This category, by way of example, includes the IP addresses or domain names of the devices used during navigation, the URI addresses of the requested resources, the day, date and time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size and type of the file obtained in response,  the numerical code indicating the status of the response given to the server and other parameters relating to the User's operating system and IT environment. These data, which are necessary for the use of web services, are also processed in order to obtain statistical information on the use of services and check the correct functioning of the services offered.

b. Data communicated by the user: This is the set of data collected when the User sends a message to the e-mail referred to in Article 1 or proceeds to a telephone or any other type of contact in order to receive information or commercial proposals, ask for clarifications, or other. These also include commenting on articles on the website by leaving your name and e-mail address. In this case, the voluntary sending of messages to the contact addresses, as well as the compilation and forwarding of the forms therein, involve the acquisition of the sender's contact data as well as all the personal data autonomously included by the user in the communications and/or required by the compilation of the reference form: all the data provided will be processed in order to comply with the User's request.

c.  Data collected through cookies: This is the information contained in cookies, which is transmitted
back to the servers when the user returns to visit the site. Cookies are text files that the servers of the sites visited can deposit in the memory of the devices used by the user: in this regard, please consult the Cookie Policy on the website.

d. Newsletter subscription data: These are the data entered by the user for subscription to the Newsletter, in which name, surname and e-mail address are requested through the appropriate form. In this case, the data are useful and preparatory in order to receive updates and commercial communications. Such marketing activity may, as appropriate, be implemented through third-party service providers such as: Mailchimp -, with respect to which the Owner has undertaken to collect and maintain all necessary permissions and valid consents required to lawfully transfer data and to allow such data to be lawfully collected, processed, and shared by Mailchimp for the purposes of providing the Service.

e. Review data: This is the data entered by the user to review the products and/or services purchased, in which name, surname and e-mail address are requested through the appropriate form. In this case, the data are useful and preparatory in order to be able to publish your review. All the aforementioned information is to be understood as provided only for the purposes related to this website and not for other sites that may be consulted via links. Therefore, the Data Controller is not to be held responsible for personal data processed independently by the provider of the platform connected via links.


In cases where the nature of the provision is to be defined as mandatory, the textual field of reference in the form of this website will be expressly indicated as such, also through the use of symbols or graphic signs. If, in the presence of these fields marked as mandatory, the User does not enter the required information, it will be objectively impossible for the Data Controller to manage the pre-contractual/contractual relationship and communication/purchase/sale.

In summary, failure to provide the data in question will not allow the establishment of the relationship.


The data are processed subject to express consent pursuant to. Article 6, letter a,
GDPR, for the following purposes:

) Marketing, profiling and commercial promotion, sending, through all digital and/or paper communication tools, information, updates and news regarding products, services and promotions. At any time, the User has the right to revoke the consent given to the receipt of promotional information, by communicating his/her will in writing to the e-mail address referred to in Article 1, or by following the procedure that can be activated at the link, at the bottom of the communications received by email, which allows the User to cancel his/her subscription.

To publish reviews of the products and/or services previously purchased by the user. At any time, the User has the right to revoke the consent given to the publication of the review uploaded on the website, by communicating his/her will in writing to the e-mail address referred to in Article 1.

The data are processed, without prior express consent pursuant to Article 6, letters b, c, f, GDPR , for the following purposes:

a)  allow the User to become part of the community and receive paper and/or digital communications
on the legal basis of contractual fulfillment;

b)  to comply with all legal, fiscal, accounting and administrative obligations;

c)  to carry out your requests and requests and respond to your questions and questions through the contact tools available to you. The legal basis is the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to provide customer service, in addition to information on products and services, the development of new products and/or services, implementation of existing ones and general achievement of a greater degree of efficiency;

d)  put in place an adequate defense in the appropriate judicial and extrajudicial venues in the event of a dispute with the User. At any time, the User has the right to revoke the consent given, by communicating it in writing to the e-mail address referred to in Article 1.

All data collected are processed solely for the purposes related to this website and not for other sites that may be consulted through the links or social buttons therein. Therefore, the Data Controller is not to be held responsible for the data processing carried out independently by the owner of the platforms connected via links and/or social buttons. It should be noted, as of now, that the website is autonomous and independent from the sites and/or platforms referred to by the afore mentioned links and/or social buttons.


The data are processed by the Data Controller using electronic and telematic methods, without this affecting the possibility of execution in paper form. The processing of personal data may include any type of operation, including collection, recording, modification, storage, organization, consultation, processing, selection, extraction, comparison, use, inter connection, blocking, communication, cancellation and destruction. In any case, the data are collected and processed for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes, and used in terms compatible with the purposes indicated in point 4. All this is done through the adoption of security measures that are as appropriate as possible in order to minimize the risks associated with these activities, and, in particular, where the cancellation or destruction is not subject to processing, in order to avoid such occurrences, as well as to avoid unauthorized access or processing that is not permitted and/or does not comply with the purposes.


The data are processed at the Data Controller's headquarters and at the host servers, to be understood as third parties with respect to the DataController and not under its direct control.


The data are processed for the time necessary for the fulfilment of the service requested by the User, coinciding with the achievement of the purposes for which they were collected, and in any case, no later than 10 years from that date. At the end of the retention period, the data will be deleted. For marketing purposes only, this period is reduced and is equal to 24 months from the last interaction and in any case never beyond 10 years.


The processing of data is carried out by the Data Controller and by the personnel appointed by it to carry out tasks relating to the correct management of contractual and marketing relationships with potential customers and suppliers.

The Data Controller undertakes not to disclose personal data, except with the prior authorization of the
User, to persons other than the DataController's employees and/or professionals, collaborators and third parties(natural or legal persons) who carry out activities on behalf of the DataController and who need to know such data for the sole purpose of carrying out the requested activities.
In particular, the data may be communicated to:
subjects who need to access the data within the limits strictly necessary to achieve purposes auxiliary to the contractual relationship;  subjects and companies that collaborate with the Data Controller, within the limits necessary to carry out their professional duties, including in particular bookkeeping or the completion of legal procedures. In this sense, these subjects will play the role of Data Processors. The aforementioned subjects, duly appointed pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR, will process the data in full compliance with this Privacy Policy and current legislation: the list of such subjects can be consulted upon written request of the data subject, also by email to the address indicated in point 1, to be addressed to the DataController. By virtue of national and European legal provisions and/or the competent authorities, the data may also be communicated or made available to public or private subjects indicated by them, within the limits and for the purposes provided for therein. The aforementioned subjects will only be provided with the information strictly necessary.


The interested party has the right to receive correct information about the processing of his or her data, as enshrined in art. 12 et seq. of the GDPR.

At any time, pursuant to art. 15 et seq. GDPR, the data subject has the right to exercise the rights of access to the data, the related rectification, cancellation or limitation of processing, request and obtain indications and clarifications about the purposes and purposes of the processing, the categories of personal data, the recipients to whom the data have been communicated and the related retention period. For consultation of the rights of the data subject, please also refer to what is further specified in art. 15-22 GDPR.

The right to revoke the consent previously given is always recognized, to be made by communication via email, addressed to the e-mail address better specified in point 1 and addressed to the Data Controller. It is also worth noting the right by law to lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority for the protection of personal data, as provided for byArticle 77 of the GDPR, or to take legal action pursuant to  Article 79 of the same text. The exercise of all the aforementioned rights, with the exception of the complaint to the Supervisory Authority and to the courts, is possible by sending a specific request to the e-mail address referred to in Article 1. With particular reference to cancellation, you recognize the right to request the deletion of personal data, which will be deleted upon request, except in cases where there are impediment circumstances provided for by law, for example the validity of a contract or the existence of debit/credit relationships. Similarly, data cannot be deleted in cases where retention obligations exist. It should also be noted that, pursuant to art. 23 GDPR, and only under certain circumstances, the Member States of the European Union have the right to limit certain rights of data subjects. We reserve the right to make use of the option in question, and always in compliance with the relevant EU and national law, in the extraordinary cases for which this is provided.


All provisions of this policy are to be understood as operating only for the website on which it is inserted.

It is in no way valid for other sites and/or platforms in any way connected to this site and reachable by
the User through links and social buttons.

Social buttons are link buttons on the web page depicting the icons of social networks to facilitate the sharing and interaction in a given social network of what the user has chosen. The data processing carried out by these external parties is independent of that carried out on this website, and we therefore ask you to refer to the irrespective privacy policies, which can be consulted free of charge at the following links:

Facebook: ·    


Personal data will not be transferred outside the European territory.Any transfer to countries outside the European Union, where necessary and previously authorized by the User, will be carried out in accordance with art.44 et seq. GDPR, i.e. guaranteeing the best data protection measures.

12 MINOR  

Minors under the age of 16 are not required to provide any type of information or personal data in the absence of the consent of those exercising parental responsibility over them.


In the future, the Data Controller reserves the right to amend and/or update, in whole or in part, this document, also in consideration of possible regulatory interventions on the matter in question. The User is advised to consult the page regularly to view the updates.

This document was last updated on 25.09.2024.